Oral Hygiene, Cleaning

In order to preserve the health of the teeth and oral cavity, it is also essential to take care of the supporting structure of the gums and teeth. The tartar that forms on our teeth can eventually lead to chronic inflammation of the gums and later of the supporting structure of the tooth in the form of periodontal disease.

In the early phase this can cause bleeding gums, but in the long term, it can result in the loosening or loss of our teeth. It is also important to mention that the bacterial foci present in our body-; including untreated periodontal disease;  can lead to joint damage or hair loss.

When it comes to dental treatments, it is essential that the interventions are carried out in a non-inflammatory, clean environment if possible.

You have the opportunity to use our following oral hygiene services:

Tooth scaling (Cleaning)

Root smoothing (curette)

Individual preventive counseling, description of home oral hygiene tools, and their correct use

Tooth whitening